Covid Grant Form

Swale Borough Council - Tier 3 Restrictions Grant

On 02 December 2020, tier 3 restrictions were imposed by Government. This triggers the implementation of the Tier 3 Restrictions Grant. The basic idea of the grant is simple - financial support for businesses forced to close or significantly impacted by the national restrictions.

You are eligible to apply for a grant if one of the following applies:

  1. Your business does not have commercial premises and has been instructed to close by the restrictions implemented on 02 December 2020.
  2. Your business has commercial premises, has not been instructed to close but is severely impacted by the restrictions implemented on 02 December 2020.
  3. Your business does not have commercial premises, has not been instructed to close but is severely impacted by the restrictions implemented on 02 December 2020.

*Businesses that have chosen to close but not been required to will not be eligible for this grant, unless they can demonstrate Severe Impact through cancelled orders for products and services to closed businesses in the retail, hospitality, leisure or events sectors.

Please read the Tier 3 Restrictions Grant Scheme Guidance Document BEFORE completing this application form.

Swale Borough Council will not be providing additional financial support to businesses that are already receiving grant funding via the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) scheme. Nor will we be providing loss of income funding to businesses that will be eligible to claim in Round 3 of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme grant.

The grant will be open to applications from the 08 December 2020.

Section 1 - Personal Details


Section 2 - About Your Business

Registered Name*
Business Type (Ltd company, charity etc)*
Company Registration Number
Date Established*

Section 3 - Covid Impact

Indicate which is true*
In no more than 200 words, please provide an explanation on how your business has been impacted by the restrictions implemented on 2 December. Please note – we can only take into account how your business has been/is being affected by these most recent restrictions. Please provide as much detail as possible including specific loss amounts where known. *

Section 4 - Bank Details

Please upload a recent business bank statement as evidence of trading or a personal bank statement showing business transactions. Please note the bank statement should be from the last 3 months and should clearly show the applicants/business name, address, and evidence of trading.*
Bank Name*
Account Name*
Account Number*
Sort Code*
My business was actively trading and generating sales revenue up to 4 November 2020
I am planning on continuing to trade my business from Swale after the restrictions have been lifted

Section 5 - State Aid Declaration

Has your business received more than €800,000 of public funding in the last 3 years?*

Section 6 - Declarations

I confirm that I have read and understood the Tier 3 Restrictions Grant Scheme Guidance Document. *
I confirm that my business operates in Swale.*
I acknowledge that my Local Authority will undertake any appropriate business checks considered necessary to assess the application and to check the nature, use and impact of the funding in the future.*
I confirm that without the grant, the viability of my business will be under threat as a result of the restrictions implemented on 2 December 2020.*
I confirm that I am not in receipt of the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed). *
I confirm that I will provide all required evidence to support my application.*
I accept that any payments identified as ineligible payments will be subject to future recovery action. *
I declare that the information provided is true and accurate. *
I Agree to ALL of the above declarations*

By submitting this form you are agreeing to allow Swale Borough Council hold your information on a secure database for us to administer this grant scheme. Please tick this box if you would like Swale Borough Council to contract you in relation to other grant schemes and business support opportunities as they arise.

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Please note you have a number of rights under GDPR regulations including the right to opt out of this in future.