Application Form to the Community, Health & Wellbeing Grant
If you are interested in applying and would like advice or an opportunity to discuss the suitability of your bid prior to application contact the Community Development Team – 01795 417155
Before completing this form please read the accompanying guidance information
Your Organisation
Your Organisation is required
Invalid characters: < > in Your Organisation.
Applicant Forename
Applicant Forename is required
Invalid characters: < > in Applicant Forename.
Applicant Surname
Applicant Surname is required
Invalid characters: < > in Applicant Surname.
Email is required
Email is not valid
Invalid characters: < > in Email.
Telephone is required
Invalid characters: < > in Telephone.
Briefly describe your project or activity - Including who will benefit and how your project will benefit Swale
Invalid characters: < > in Briefly describe your project or activity - Including who will benefit and how your project will benefit Swale.
Please describe how your project contributes to the objectives of Swale Borough Council’s 'Swale Active Lives Framework 2017-22 - Towards an Active Swale' or 'Swale's Health and Wellbeing Improvement Plan 2020-2023'. They will need to specifically demonstrate how they will help contribute to a more active and/or a healthier lifestyle. A copy of these documents are available on the Swale Borough Council website
Invalid characters: < > in Please describe how your project contributes to the objectives of Swale Borough Council’s 'Swale Active Lives Framework 2017-22 - Towards an Active Swale' or 'Swale's Health and Wellbeing Improvement Plan 2020-2023'. They will need to specifically demonstrate how they will help contribute to a more active and/or a healthier lifestyle. A copy of these documents are available on the Swale Borough Council website
Supporting Material:
Total Grant Requested
Total Grant Requested value out of range or not numeric.
Invalid characters: < > in Total Grant Requested.
Please identify any 'in kind' support the project will receive - e.g. Donations of land, property, or professional expertise provided in order to support the project.
Invalid characters: < > in In Kind support.
The grant award must only be spent on the project as outlined in this application form.
I declare the information provided within this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and the grant will only be spent as outlined in my application and will
comply with the Terms & Conditions detailed in the guidance notes.
I will ensure that monitoring information is provided at the end of the project and that the support provided by Swale Borough Council will be featured within any publicity of the project.
I will ensure that I am compliant with all the necessary legislation (e.g. Health and Safety) and adhere to policies required for my organisation (policies are Equality & Diversity and
Safeguarding if working/in contact with vulnerable adults and children). Terms & conditions have been read in the grant guidance notes.
Print Name
Print Name is required
Invalid characters: < > in Print Name.
Date is invalid, use the following format dd-mmm-yyyy
Position: is required
Invalid characters: < > in Position:.
Please tick here if you would like to receive any updates on funding opportunities, advertising or events that Swale Borough Council wishes to promote.
Applications can either be emailed to or sent for the attention of Community Grants, at Swale Borough Council, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3HT
For additional information or support please contact the Community Grants Team at Swale Borough Council, via email through, or
via telephone 01795 417155.
If you would like hard copies or alternative versions [i.e.] large print, audio, different languages we will do our best to accommodate your request, please contact Swale Borough Council or
telephone the Customer Service Centre on 01795 417850.
All of the personal information provided by you will be kept in strictest confidence and will not be shared with anyone else.